The Xi Fellowship is a squid-loving co-ed co-op filled with cats, murals, and even some MIT students, where standard operating procedure is to be working on 22 impossibly random projects simultaneously. Xi is many things to many people, including a covert operations center, culinary "research" lab, artistic studio, and philosophical playground, but to all of us Xibilings, it is also our wonderfully purple home. It's not right for everyone—nothing is. Some, though, find a family where they can thrive and grow as never before.
Xiblings come in all shapes, sizes, genders, sexualities, colors, languages, interests, and backgrounds. A good Xibling is anyone who is committed to making our community a great place while embracing their housemates' freedom of self-expression. Our house is entirely self-run, and quite literally mostly self-made! If programmable LED boards, secret passageways, light shows, beds hanging from the ceiling, bass-boosted doorbells, weeknight fambly dinners, and spiral stairwell rappelling sound like your kind of thing, Xi might be for you!
Rush Contact Name: Awen Gronda
Rush Contact Email:
Recruiting students of all gender identities from all grade levels